Oaklands Nursing Home provides quality nursing and residential care.
Our aim is to make your life better.
At Oaklands Nursing Home we have a depth of experience caring for individuals with specialised needs including stroke patients, those with partial paralysis, dementia, reduced mobility, and loss of speech and swallowing reflex.

Specialist Nursing Care
We assess everyone who enquires about living at Oaklands. This helps us understand how to ensure that we support them and deliver care, in a way that they wish and that meets their needs.
We can build an understanding of likes and dislikes so that we can help them enjoy their time with us.

Clean Living
We not only work to the standards set by the local council in Care Homes, but try always to raise the bar beyond that.
All rooms are cleaned daily, and bedding changed often.
All our laundry is done on-site.

Staff Training
We are committed to comprehensive training packages for our team to ensure that anyone who receives our care has the highest standard of care.
Training is mainly provided face to face and we have an external provider, plus in house training, as many of our team are highly qualified, experienced and knowledgeable, so are able to share this with colleagues.

Our Approach
- To provide a welcoming, friendly and safe place to live for residents
- To listen to the needs of our residents, support them and provide ample opportunity for feedback to develop the service provided by the home
- To provide stimulation and encouragement to our residents through regular activities and events
- To build a reputation of delivering good quality services and promote trustworthiness
- To build strong relationships with the local community and residents/groups
- To safeguard each resident
- To provide the best standard of care from our qualified staff who have the experience and know how to enhance the quality of life for our all residents
- To promote each and every individual resident’s human rights
- To promote the residents well being by promoting their physical, emotional and mental health through a well experienced and caring team of nurses and carers

Click here to view our latest rating by the Care Quality Commission.

Oaklands Nursing Home has an average ‘Overall Experience’ of 4.9 out of 5 with carehome.co.uk